Often a
sense overlooked in all aspects of communication and this includes its
importance to life as well as the practice of martial systems in conjunction to
the goku-i.
The reason
I added this to the goku-i is its personal importance to me as a touch dominant
sense person. Being a touch dominant person I have the unique view most
"seeing and hearing" sense persons, the majority of American Speaking
People, do not have and have been socially taught that touch is
Touch until
the last couple of centuries in America have been known as a dominant form of
communications and tactile along with kinetic touch is a critical component to
life's system of human contact.
The ninth
line of the goku-i addresses this missing link.
aspect to consider for our awareness training is we train to "feel"
things. We feel how a stance, when in its proper pose, feels as to our feet
connecting to the Earth. We feel the positioning of the lower leg over the
feet, the knees aligning and connecting to the thigh. If anything is amiss we
should feel it when we are doing it. This is not just assuming a stance,
rooting, and then remaining in it to feel it but to learn to feel it as we move
into it and then out of it.
We feel our
feet as they move and reach into the next stance with proper positioning,
alignment, posture, etc. Our awareness means our minds are trained to focus on
this in training so our minds will instinctively "feel it" if
something is not right.
Lets say
your fighting. You move into a specific stance so a particular technique can be
executed; to not get hit and stop the fight. Your body moves, you feel it move,
you sense it going further than you wanted due to external circumstances so it
will tell your mind to do one of two things, either not execute that technique
and start moving into a new one with all its parts or try to adjust so you can
get that technique executed, NOT the second part for sure. If you don't have
all the ducks lined up for a particular technique you don't use it, it loses
its effectiveness.
This is why
awareness goes beyond the obvious and into the realm of feeling and sensing what
your body is doing and where it is going at all times. It is one component that
is critical to making all the components of power and force work, as you would
Range and
how you get to it; weight transfer into momentum for power, etc.; no wasted
movement to include any patching or adjusting to make it work; timing and
placement so it all comes together as one in the right direction and the right
time; and finally adding in those acceleration techniques to boost power and
This is all
geared to your awareness of all those concepts and components through awareness
of body movement, and all that entails, so you can "sense" or
"see" with the minds eye and "feel" where your body is,
was, is going, etc.
Let me
extend this post to the ken-po goku-i, parts that reference the ability to
'''see" and "hear" in all directions is more than just north,
south, east, west, etc. but in all
metaphysical/metaphorical/spiritual/conceptual directions and more. Its
references to hard and soft, feel it and apply it appropriately, body changing
directions is not only turning but changing the way your body moves and assumes
poses/postures where awareness tells you to see and feel and sense these
actions of the body.
The time to
strike is not just applying a punch or kick but timing awareness so that all
components of your system come into that "one" instant that applies
what your goals, tactics, and strategies use to not get hit and stop the
lesson is NOT assuming that what I see is all I can see for seeing goes beyond
the obvious as well as hearing is more active than just having sound reach and
ring the ear drum, it is an awareness of what is being heard beyond initial
impressions and allowing our ability to see, hear, sense, go beyond the first
mind must grasp all the warm and fuzzy data not seen or heard in all directions
and on all sides."
mind must grasp all the tactual data not seen in any direction and heard on any
involves communications because although we are predominantly influenced by the
accepted normalcy in society of first, sight sense and secondary hearing sense
we have removed the sense of touch almost completely. I have been informed that
this is a recent phenomenon. We included all three as major sense modes long
before the last century - most of history has all three.
If this is
true then we might hypothesize that at least a few fights might have been
avoidable if we could be aware when a person drops down into a primary sense
mode of touch. Since the majority are classified in sight and hearing when a
touch person gets agitated/stressed then when they fall into a strict touch
sense mode, while all the rest remain in sight sense mode, the reality gap is
strong and wide. This gap then can only be spanned if one or the other is able
to determine the touch sense mode and then assume it for all avoidance/de-escalation
If this is
true how do you know when you are facing a sense mode, especially a touch sense
mode? Good question. Since touch has become a taboo topic today you will have
to first become aware that a lot of folks are touch sense dominant even if we
function in a normal sight/hearing sense world. Once you are aware they exist
then learn about it. "Try to Feel It My Way" by Dr. Suzette Haden
Elgin, Ph.D.
This also
applies to Sensei for mentoring practitioners. Discover their primary sense
mode and try to gear your instruction and guidance toward that mode of
communications. Recently a blogger posted on that very subject where no matter
what they did the Senpai could not adequately convey to that person what it was
they were trying to teach. The person got very frustrated while the senpai just
kept in that sense loop that was not the person's primary sense mode. A reality
gap existed where the person walked away with out that new knowledge.
If the senpai
has been aware of and sensitive to sense mode of the person they might have
devised a means to convey the knowledge where that person would learn and not
become frustrated, etc.
As for the
taste and smell, these tend to be non-existent regarding a communications
primary sense mode.
In the
world of tactual encounters we once again connect to such things as hard, soft,
seeing, hearing, the cycles of ebb and flow within and without the body along
with the cycles of breathing in and out.
Rory Miller
once spoke of, or wrote about, tactile in self-defense. He alluded to the
"feel" of the opponents body where the tactile or tactual information
one feels from another can send signals to the mind a response or action that
would best nullify or deflect or allow a movement to better your position, etc.
That speaks of two things regarding this new ninth goku-i line.
One, is an
understanding of the tactile symbols;
duration-location-action-intensity-frequency-sensation. As an example the
"sensation" a threat might feel triggers the tendency for the mind to
lock on to that location and feeling where the mind, if not trained in this,
tries to discover what is occurring and gain a tactical response and advantage.
This is where the interruption of a person OODA loop occurs where continuing to
change the sensation, location, intensity and duration keeps triggering the
mind to lock on to the now new sensation reducing the minds ability to achieve
a response.
By allowing
my new line validity in the ken-po goku-i it might bring to the forefront of
our minds the conscious attention and awareness of touch to achieve a greater
understanding of the martial arts and our applications of its principles and
Two, an
awareness of the tactual sense elements and how they function adding to the
application of techniques to achieve additional advantage. These elements
include, pressure; pain; pleasure; temperature; muscle movement of the skin;
rubbing; pinching, etc. In a grappling art pressure, pain, rubbing, pinching
and the movement of muscle under the skin apply. Just give it a moment and
consider it for your training, practice and teaching of martial systems.
data retrieval to train and practice can be seen and grasped literally as a
function of the arts - martial arts. I can now conceptualize that not taking
touch to this level of thought may have contributed to a lack of full understanding
on principles, intent and applications. Worth taking down and out of the attic
and placing it in front of us so we can examine it with our eyes, analyze it
with our ears to hear how it impacts practitioners, and touching on the value
of its implications in teaching and learning.
(contact or touch)
Touch law
of the fist can be further explained in the new ken-po goku-i where the
tendency of the mind to "go to" the area of the body under assault.
This means when you feel pressure, pain, rubbing, pinching, grabbing, and with
intensity that screams "danger will Robinson" then your mind will
lock on to that location to the detriment of all else.
This is a
fundamental principle of the OODA loop explained by Rory Miller and Marc
MacYoung on their blogs and web sites, i.e. no nonsense self defense and conflict
communications, etc.
A couple of
idea's in this is to train so that when you feel some intensely applied
pressure, etc. you either ignore it with some action that is not associated
with that area or you act on that area with some counter move. This is not the
forum to explain exactly what that would be and would be better served when
explained and taught in a person-with-person on the floor training/practice
aspect for application is to apply the pressures, pain, etc. to a threat and
keep moving that around so the mind keeps moving with your movements-pain
applications thus locking the mind in an infinite loop with no ability to act
or react. This may be the principle to the Chinese principle of a lot of
strikes to overcome the threat vs. karate's so-called one strike - one kill
Once again,
as a reminder, the ken-po goku-i is meant as a teaching tool that transcends
any one technique or philosophy. It encompasses all aspects of training and
They teach
the teachers to use all three senses to make sure "the material reaches
the student rather than why isn't the student grasping the material?"
trained them to determine if a student is a visual, audio or kinesthetic
learner - sight, sound, touch. Once they determined a student was touch
dominant they went a step further by finding out if they were "tactile or
tactual" which refers to the handling and touching vs. Kinesthetic, which
refers to position and balance of the body.
Take a look
at Kinesthetic, the balance and position of the body. This touches on the
goku-i's lines on the body changing direction at any time, a person' balance
same as a weight. Both are in reference to the body and balance, which falls
into a touch dominant sense mode.
The nine
references within the entire goku-i provide the full spectrum of using the
"three" major senses fully and completely in practicing and teaching
the martial arts. These three provide a fullness to the goku-i interpretation
that aligns with the I Ching where the three is heaven, man, and earth where in
the trigrams and hexagrams it is further divided to these three components that
make us whole or "one."
The manner
of drinking or inhaling vs. spitting or exhaling is also using a touch sense
mode inference for they both infer a type of balance within the body much like
the heart and heaven and earth along with blood similar to moon and sun.
warrants further study and contemplation as it will open more doors to a large
audience that may be missing out on a martial art path simply because they lack
an awareness that it also provides for the much aligned touch dominant sense.
This quote
comes directly from the book by Dr. Suzette Haden Elgin, Ph.D. It involves a
bit of trivia for the brain, an important piece of trivia. Our brains, as she
states from research, cannot not distinguish sense perceptions that are real
world perceptions from those we might visualize or use imagery to "see it
in our minds."
If the
imagery is "vivid" enough, i.e. the details of the imagery is really
descriptive, then it is as if you really experienced the event. The brain
cannot tell the difference between a real one and the imagined one. It will
send out the same signals and chemicals in both cases, i.e. reality vs.
imagined. There is one caveat to consider, what is used in your imagery must be
reality based or it will not work.
She has a
term she coins for this type of visualization/imagery, "Creative
Visualization." A very important point to place forward here is this title
is "sight-biased." Touch dominant persons tend to lose out with this
since they often cannot relate to this sight mode title and those mostly sight
mode sense instructions. I often express that it was hard to learn and this is
In your
teachings you may want to be aware when a student states they cannot do
visualization they are merely expressing that instructions are convoluted
simply because they are transmitted in a sense mode that is not adequate for
touch dominant persons ability to assimilate. There is a way for the touch
person to create or convert instructions to a form that will be tuned to their
learning mode and then can achieve greater results and benefits from
"creative visualization."
As a touch
dominant person I use imagery. I have been fortunate that I was able to work
out how I could do it. It comes mostly from sensing through my body movement
when presenting technique I can see the body movement of an imagined opponent
moving in such a way that the technique averts the attack and presents an
appropriate response.
Dr. Elgin
presents, shows, and makes audible several examples of touch techniques to
learn imagery or visualization techniques geared to overcome the sight
dominance in visual/image training.
Now, this
is really a cool thing to know that when we have vivid imaginations in such
techniques it is as if the brain actually experienced it. The only thing we
have to grab onto is how to experience the actual feel of it, i.e. pain, fear,
anger, frustrations, etc.
I repeat,
there is one caveat to consider, what is used in your imagery must be reality
based or it will not work.
I am touch
dominant. As I study the material provided in Dr. Elgin's book, "Try To
Feel It My Way: New Help for Touch Dominant People and Those Who Care About
Them," I am becoming aware of those road marks that indicate I am touch
sense dominant.
As this
self-discovery become glaringly more apparent to me I realize many of the
difficulties I have experienced and become are related to this sense mode and
the response, unconscious and unaware and unknowingly, received molded me into
a person who tends to be "brash," "loud/forceful," and
"a naysayer." It fits and makes me feel a bit sad.
It is a
product of the time, which I was raised where such knowledge was not known and
not studied. It was not taught in the schools simply because no one was aware
at those times. As I am able to grasp the implications and effects of such a
mode that is strongly a part of communications I can now see why I have felt
specific emotional responses.
The most
important lesson is it is no ones fault, not mine and not others. It is simply
a lack of knowledge and understanding and self-realization. I now am growing in
my awareness and I am now growing in my knowledge and I am now growing more
aware of what it is I must do to build a bridge across the reality gap of touch
vs. sight and hearing sense modes. My only regret is it would be improper for
me to pass this along to those I communicate with - they have to come to this
realization completely on their own. I can hope!
As to those
who will and are reading my writing, I am expressing to you all that if something
I write does not seem to fit, to connect, to have clarity please take a moment
and consider that it may be in touch mode for sense communication - take a
moment and re-word it where words that are sight or hearting sense related and
it may make it clearer.
My goal is
to translate my touch dominant writing mode to a more sight and hearing mode
for better clarity for all with smatterings of touch mode to cover the whole
spectrum hopefully to have clarity with all who read my stuff.
Thanks for
reading, thanks for hearing what I am trying to say, and thanks for trying to
grasp the idea of sense mode in communications. I can express to you that as I
get "in touch" with my apparent touch sense side and language I am
feeling a lot more comfortable. Pardon me if my writing goes more touch but
that is my way of learning - touch :-)
The most
likely sense that is most likely to be misunderstood in communications. Lets
include this in martial systems as well. It would seem that we take this one
for granted far more than sight and hearing. For good reasons - not so good
In martial
systems we can divide touch into two distinct categories, one is
tactile/tactual and the other is kinesthetic or body/balance. In MA systems we
rely heavily on sight or seeing. Even hearing in the sport aspect takes a back
seat to seeing the threat or in sport the opponent. This is also a detriment to
training, practice and application.
hearing and touch as to the kinesthetic aspects comes in much earlier than
actual martial applications. We as MA's can use these three in our efforts to
avoid. In the kinesthetic aspect we orient our bodies to what we see, hear and
feel. Tactile feeling does come into play as to interpretations especially if
the individual is a touch dominant person.
If we are
approached from behind how we see, hear and feel our environment tells the
brain/mind whether we are under a threat or just normal every day encounters.
As to touch we rely on what we feel. The pressure of touch, the intensity of
the touch, the sensation as interpreted by the brain along side experiences and
training, and the pain receptors will tell us how it all feels as it relates to
being a threat or not a threat.
Couple that
with the two most unlikely senses taught for awareness in training of martial
systems, i.e. smell and taste. In some instances senses trigger taste as it may
relate to some past experience. As to smell you can tell the type of threat and
its possible levels by the smell of someone who is touching you, i.e. so close
you smell the breathe, the body odor, etc. Reading the book by Rory Miller,
"Facing Violence," he will tell you that the smell of someone very
close to you may have a meaning as to how this encounter may go. This is
important and the practitioner must study this thoroughly.
The largest
organ on the body and one that is considered more important to the body than
sight or hearing is the skin. How the muscles move under the skin, both yours
and a threats, can "tell" someone who is aware volumes as to intent
and appropriate actions in response to that intent. Many art forms of a
particular system may rely heavily on what you feel, how you manipulate the
threats body to include rubbing, pinching, etc. of the skin and underlying
pressure points, etc.
This is
important and the practitioner must study this thoroughly.
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